Lemurian High Priestess
White Feather
Your Lemurian Remembrance and the longing to unfold Love based and lightful existence have most likely brought you here ~ a warm Welcome, dear Seeker!
As the mother of the Remembrance Sign, the Crystalline HeartSpace, informative publications to grow into the New as well as SoulFreeingArt and supportive, at times radically changing SoulFreeingJourney’s, i am deeply honored to guide and accompany our growth within these awakening, transformational times.
Let us CoCreate Paradise!
With much Love
Lemurian High Priestess White Feather
The Honor of my Calling
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Lemurian High Priestess White Feather
To me, it is unlogical to write ‚i‘ capitalized. So i choose to write it appropriately, in my personal understanding. If you agree, you are invited to join in.
Corina White Feather
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Wir lassen jegliche Auswertungen und was es sonst noch gäbe weg - jeder ist ein freier Mensch und darf noch freier werden 😍